OSS Software Telecom

Tackle 5G with Confidence by Using Next-Gen OSS Software Telecom

The move from 3G to 4G was a huge upgrade, but it wasn’t a revolutionary change. But as we get closer to full-fledged launch of 5G, things are considerably different than before. In its real avatar, 5G is faster than most broadband connections that we know of. So much so, that 5G bandwidth can be sliced and used for separate connections and different business use cases. Just as the functionality and benefits are high, the same way the complexity is also unmatched. Therefore, OSS software telecom needs to be exactly in line with 5G requirements.

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Telecom Software Solutions

Adapt to Quick Changes Fast with Pertinent Telecom Software Solutions

The transformations in the telecom industry are taking place at a rapid pace. But unfortunately, software evolution is not as fast. There is a clear difference between the current modus operandi and what could be achieved by completely overhauling the standard B/OSS platform with the employment of cutting-edge Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN). However, it is still important for telcos to employ telecom software solutions that are incorporating the necessary aspects.

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