Simplify Complex Billing Tasks with Telecom Billing Software

Being a telecom professional, I have been questioned many times about the trustworthiness of telecom billing. Whenever my friends or relatives get a bill that they think is too high, they call me up and tell me how they hardly ever use their phone and only make short calls. It’s another matter that these calls are frequent, last for over an hour sometimes and I am the one who is striving to end them. Alas, the customer is always right!

It is often hard to satisfy customers, especially in the current state of affairs, when the telecom market is probably at its competitive apotheosis. All good logics stop being useful when there is a cheaper service available that promises better quality calls and higher data rates. So, should we truly consider that the customer is always right or believe in the telecom billing software solutions employed by us and stand up for what is right? I agree with the latter and it is all because of the trust I have in the telecom OSS solutions that we use today.Continue reading